5 Easy Travel Money Tips To Transfer Money To Friends Abroad With Zero Hassles

5 Easy Ways To Transfer Money To Friends & Family Abroad!

Transferring money to another country and into a foreign bank account used to be super complicated, long and just downright painful. Luckily, with us living the 21st century life with all its bells and whistles, the process of sending money to a relative or friend that lives in a far away land is as simple […]

7 Travel Money Tips Every Traveller Needs

7 Expert Tips To Not Lose Your Cash Abroad

It’s happened over and over again to so many travellers around the world. You are in a foreign country somewhere amazingly beautiful. You are having the time of your life and feel like nothing could ever go wrong. And then boom! You either get robbed or lose all of your valuables. It’s happened to a […]

6 Online Schools To Get You Certified & Teach English Around The World

Teach English

Teaching English as a foreign language has become extremely popular amongst travellers these last few years. I have friends in so many countries in Central and South America, mainland Asia and South East Asia that currently work full time as English teachers. It’s a great job for anyone wanting to live in a specific country, […]

5 Travel Tips For Anyone Travelling In Europe & Wanting A Backpacker Job

5 Jobs For Backpackers In Europe

If you are planning on spending a few months backpacking through Europe, but at the same time don’t wanna spend too much money, then you should think about doing a few travel jobs along the way. Europe is a great continent for backpackers, especially through the summer months. However, it can get a bit pricey, […]

10 Super Simple Travel Money Saving Hacks Every Travel Pro Uses

10 Awesome Money Saving Hacks For Travel

If you are like me and you enjoy travelling for long periods of time (3 months+), then having a few ideas on how to save money where possible can only benefit you. The awesome thing about travelling for months at a time is that you are not under any form of time pressure. When you […]