6 Genius Ways To Save More Money Today

Save More Money

If you are looking for a few simple ways to save more money, then this post is for you!

2019 Has started off already, and there hasn’t been a better time for us all to take our personal finances to a better place!

I’m sure many of you (myself included) overspent a bit over the festive season, and would love to start getting on the savings train again.

Saving money really doesn’t have to mean that you have to stop living.

Not at all!

If we do it correctly, saving money on a monthly basis can be real easy, simple and fun.

6 Ways To Save More Money

See these related money posts:

Below are 6 easy ways for us all to save more money in 2019!

1. Budget More

Everyone who wants to save more money should have a solid budget in place. Without one, we have no plan and no control over our spending.

Budgeting is really an easy thing to do! It doesn’t have to be super detailed, and consist of pages and pages of rules and what you can and cannot spend money on.

No way!

But a simple, structured budget can really go a long way for you and your savings goals.

There are plenty of budget apps and budget tips around to help you.

2. Cut Down On The Booze

It depends on how much alcohol you drink on a weekly basis, but if it’s a few times a week, then you can definitely try and cut it down just a bit.

Alcohol is by far our most expensive consumption, and by trying to cut it down we will be giving our finances a massive breather.

You will also start to feel a bit healthier!

3. Cook In More Often

Eating out hits the budget hard. Especially if you start doing it a few times a week.

Cooking at home is cheaper and more often healthier. Plus, being able to cook and try new dishes is a lot of fun!

Try limit eating out to once a week. This will help you achieve your savings goal quicker in 2019.

4. Plan Your Grocery Shopping

There are many ways to spend less when going grocery shopping.

Planning your shopping will ensure you don’y buy unnecessary stuff, and also not overspend.

5. Watch Those Utilities

Whether it’s summer or winter, we love having that AC or heater pumping all day. And that’s fine!

But we have to try and keep it under control. Utility bills can rack up real fast if we are not careful.

Try take not of things such as how long you shower for, leaving appliances and lights on even if you aren’t in the room etc.

6. Review Your Budget

Keep an eye on your budget. See how you are doing against it, and find areas you could improve on and areas you feel good at.

This will help you be on top of everything at all times!


Richard-T Signature

If you want more tips on saving money, then don’t forget to follow my Save Money Pinterest board!

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